About Us

Over 2 Decades of Epic Work

Halaqah Media is 22 years old. And we have a history of in-house productions which include multi-award winning documentaries such as Motherland and 500 Years Later. Our unique audiomentaries series which includes the SHADOWS series. 7 years ago we opened Ocacia, a designer clothing label,  in South Africa

Halaqah History 1998-2020

We’ve put a lot of thought in giving you the best possible experience to make shopping with us easy.
Halaqah is known for one of the fastest response times to customer queries.
Everything we touch we want to make sure it is beautiful. Starting with our message of social change, to our presentation, to our artwork to our customer service
Media is a tool of persuasion. And in today’s global village multicultural content is positioned to be the new voice of the people.
Independent means independent, it means our films and audio can focus on the stories and not those funding the stories.
We use the latest technology to enhance our message, a blend of technology and consciousness produces a beautiful product

Our Team Member


Our Vision

Betelihem Zelealem head of our South African department for media.


History of Beginning

Khalid Ba in charge of our talent department for hiring


What we really do?

Femi, special envoy to the United Nations for IT governance from our head office in the Caribbean

Trusted for 22 years

Some words from our beautiful customers